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In Sandra Bland’s Death, Echos of LGBT History
By Daniel Williams, [email protected], @legequeery On March 8th, 1970, New York Police raided the Snake Pit Bar, a gay bar in Greenwich Village, arresting all 167 patrons and staff present. Diego Vinales, a 23-year old undocumented Argentinian immigrant was one of those arrested. Depending on which account you believe Vinales
Historic Victory: FOR ALL!
I almost can’t believe it, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the freedom to marry, striking down marriage bans nationwide, including here in Texas! It’s a wonderful day for the history books. The door is now open for thousands of families across the nation to finally get
84th Texas Senate Score Card
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent
Top 5 Texas Senators on LGBT issues
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent
Worst 5 Texas Senators on LGBT issues
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent
84th Texas House Scorecard
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent