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Top 10 Texas House Members on LGBT Issues
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent
Worst 10 Texas House Members on LGBT Issues
Rankings of legislators are always tricky. It’s difficult to include all the little things that happen behind the scenes, the influence of members on each other, or the true motivations or beliefs of individual members. That said, it’s important to acknowledge the public actions of the people elected to represent
So… What Happened to Those 20+ Anti-LGBT Bills in Texas?
As the 84th Legislature’s regular session began we all heard the klaxon-call ring out: “there are over 20 anti-LGBT bills filed this session!” By the end of session, none of the proposals had succeeded in passing. So what happened? For starters, the LGBT community has some amazing allies in the
Your advocacy worked!
Thanks to everyone who made calls opposing HB2977 with “Defy the Supreme Court language”, Sen. Lucio removed the bill from consideration. As an alternative, Senators passed a resolution -SR1028- which carries the same weight as other resolutions they have recently passed, including “Salad Day” and “John Wayne Day”. Let’s move
Bell’s Bill is Back! Call Your State Senator Now!
ACTION ALERT — State Rep. Cecil Bell’s discriminatory defy-the-Supreme-Court bill was dead and buried until it was revived by state Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, who amended it onto another bill. Find your STATE SENATOR’s contact info and call them RIGHT NOW to tell them to vote against the Senate Committee
He’s Back Again! Urge your State Representative to OPPOSE the Sanford Amendment to SB 206.
Tell Your Lawmakers: Oppose Rep. Sanford’s Amendment! TUESDAY, MAY 26TH, Rep. Scott Sanford will try again to pass an amendment allowing child welfare agencies to discriminate against LGBT families Tell your State Representative to oppose the Sanford amendment permitting discrimination in Texas’ child welfare system. Rep. Scott Sanford has pre-filed